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10:00am // Registration, Refreshing Elixirs

Intentional Juice Fasting as a healing & cleansing preparation for Shabbat Kodesh

10:30am // Welcome

11:00am // Adding "CHAI" Life to "Chitah"  

learn about LIVE Grain Foods, wheatgrass, sprouted breads, rejuvelac; their super health and spiritual benefits. demonstration+ tastings  (Chava Kruger)

12:15pm // Tiferet Tirosh & Wine
learn the secrets of wine, hagefen, and we will be making fresh grape juice for Kiddush. (Akiva Pamensky)
1:00pm // Yoga

Yoga for Women aroma yoga for all levels Challenge Yourself  (Yachad Shifman)

Yoga for Men 
1:45pm // Delightful Shabbos Mist workshop

Learn about healing powers of essential oils and make your own mist.  (Yachad Shifman)
2:15pm // The Secret of Abundance

insights &practical guidelines for trumot u'masrot.(Rebbetzin Chana Bracha Siegelbaum)

3:00pm-5:00pm //Hike to Spring- Living Water
3:30pm// Workshop: Food decorations /carving/plating - preparing Regal food fit for the Shabbat Queen and her soulmate

(Reyzl Shleifman & Chava Kruger)
5:00pm // Preparations for Shabbat

5:00pm-6:00pm // Delightful  Refreshments

refresh yourself with juicy organic fruits! and NICE Cream
6:00pm // Shir HaShirim The Song of Songs
6:30pm // Candle Lighting


6:30pm // Candlelighting

7:05pm // Shkiah- Sunset

7:00pm // Kabbalat Shabbat

Welcoming the Shabbat Queen

8:00pm // Maariv

9:00pm //Shalom Aleichem

Welcoming the Angels of Peace into our Life

Ribon Kol Halomim Reflection Introspection Goals for the week, Kavanot

9:30pm // Kiddush & Seudat Shabbat

Silent Meditative Eating it's a time for communication with G-d, with the food, 

Zemirot  Divrei Torah

12:00pm // Tish niggunim- till the wee hours of the morning singing old and new niggunim and songs of dveykut




7:00am // Chasidut Shiur 

7:00am // Specialty Teas, energy balls truffles

8:00am // Shacharit & Rosh Chodesh Hallel Minyan for Men

Minyan for Women

9:45am Torah Reading & Study -Parshat Re'eh

reading from Torah + experiential Torah through drama/song/dvar Torah for each aliya.

11:30am// Musaf

12:30pm // Kiddush Seudat Shabbat - meditative eating, zemirot, divrei Torah.

2:30pm // Free time/ Nap/ Mingling/ Games/ walk

3:30pm // Tehillim Song Circle

4:00pm // Elul – My Beloved is Mine for women

Creating a Vessel for Love, 

Dissolving Blocks Preventing Us from True Love

Our Relationship with Hashem Reflecting Our Ability to Connect w/ Our Soulmate (Rebbetzin Chana Bracha)

5:30pm // Pirkei Avos Roundtable Discussion

6:00pm// Mincha

6:30pm// Seudat Shlishit

zemirot, divrei torah, inspirational stories

for our love for beloved Shabbat we revel in her presence

7:00pm//Tapping into the Spiritual Energy of the Month of ElulDays of Divine Favor when the King is in the Field(Rebbetzin Chana Bracha)

8:45pm// Maariv

9:15pm// Havdalla

9:30pm// Melava Malka

zemirot, songs, musical jam

inspirational stories of Baal Shem Tov and other great stories.

10:30pm// Tzeitchem L'Shalom Goodbye

© 2019 BeLoved Shabbaton a project of Adama L Elyon The All Natural Eco Torah Community

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