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BeLoved Shabbaton is a project of Adama L Elyon -

The All Natural Eco Torah Community.

Adama L Elyon is a reminder of Humans greatest potential

To Lift the Earth to the Heights

To Resemble  Hashem

by giving Life to this world and infusing every action every encounter with kindness and goodness! 


This is the goal of BeLoved

to find the Beloved in everything in everyone!  


Here are a few things to have in mind and request from you:

We strive to increase beauty, harmony, health, and wellbeing.

We hold sacred and protect our most precious Life Source - AIR. (It is absolutely smoke-free)

In consideration with the well-being of others we avoid synthetic fragrances, chemicals, perfumes

We try to Live with Intention. We Value Respect and

Live up each moment.

If you can, Please turn off your phone for the duration of the entire gathering.

Pray with intention, Learn with intention, Speak with intention, Bless with intention

Eat with intention.

Meal Times is a time for Silent Meditation

Eat slowly Chew well your food

meditate on the food

be grateful

send lovely healing messages to yourself,

the people around you and the world.

We cherish the Shabbat and observe it dearly. Please don't do an activity that's not in the halacha and spirit of Shabbat.

(If you are unsure, please ask)

We like the Shabbat so much and want to hold on to it.  Seudat Shlishit will extend into the night.  (Please don't rush to take Shabbat out as soon as the zman is over)

About Beloved          Shabbaton

© 2019 BeLoved Shabbaton a project of Adama L Elyon The All Natural Eco Torah Community

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